Saturday 5 October 2019




Blossoms of the Savannah summary notes chapter by chapter
Blossoms of the Savannah Analysis 


When Parsimei Ole Kaelo is retrenched from his job at Agribix limited, he decides to relocate from Nakuru, where he has lived and worked for 22 years, to Nasila his native home. This change brings a poignant mood over him and family, Mama Milanoi and two daughters Taiyo (20years old) and Resian (18years old).

At Nasila they are cordially received by Simiren, Ole Kaelo’s brother. Following the relocation, the issue of fitting into the Nasila culture lingers on the Kaelo’s minds. The sensitive issue about circumcision of the girls, as per the dictates of the Maa traditions also haunts them. For the young ladies, however, they are concerned about their chances of joining university.

Ole Kaelo meets his mentor Ole Supeyo and reveals that he is in business with Oloisudori, a renowned criminal and extortionist. Ole Supeyo cautions his friend concerning any ties with Oloisudori, owing to his shady reputation and questionable morals.

As Ole Kaelo and his family settle into their new house in Nasila, the disturbing concern of his business association with Oloisudori incessantly lingers in his mind. Taiyo and Resian begin to notice the contrast between the life in Nakuru and that in Nasila. They appreciate the unity and harmonious way of life of the residents in Nasila. 

Ole Kaelo organizes a home coming party to announce his return in Nasila and a way of attempting to fit back into the Nasila way of life-a return to his roots; the Ilmolelian clan and Iloorasha-kineji sub- clan. When old Ole Musanka speaks he reminds all the visitors present about the four pillars of a home. Maa, Nasila, family and children. He also brings up the subject of circumcision and curses the Minik ene Nkoitoi the Emakererei, a woman devoted to fight FGM and early marriages.

The subject of circumcision brings a dark cloud of uncertainty over the Kaelo homestead in the days preceding the otherwise jubilant and successful homecoming ceremony. Taiyo and Resian are terrified at the sheer thought of Enkamuratani [the female circumciser] and her olmurunya [her tool of trade]. Although Mama Milanoi seems reluctant about taking her girls through the cut, her husband Ole Kaelo has no option but to conform to the demands of his culture.

Mr. Edward Oloisudori Lonkiyaa visits the Kaelo’s when Resian and Mama Milanoi are discussing about F.G.M. When he leaves, Ole Kaelo reveals to Mama Milanoi that he is the one who financed his business.

Oloisudori throws Ole Kaelo and Mama Milanoi into the state of turmoil when he demands to marry Resian. Resian, whose ambition is to join Egerton University to pursue a course in veterinary medicine, is totally oblivious of this development. This demand deeply disturbs the Kaelos. It was a strange demand considering the age difference, a testament to the worrying changes in cultural values.

Joseph Parmuat, a young music teacher, teaches Taiyo and Resian about various aspects of Nasilian culture especially about love. It is apparent that Taiyo is in love with him. The stumbling block to this infatuation is the fact that they belong to the same clan and sub-clan and thus are forbidden from any romantic ties. When it becomes clear that Parmuat is in love with her, she vows to fight for their love. On the other hand, Parmuat who is also besotted decides against the relationship since Taiyo is like a sister to him and he is scared of the consequences of such an illicit bond.

Resian and Taiyo come face to face with the dark side of the Nasila culture when they are accosted by two inconsiderate youths Ntara and Lante who try to rape them. They are saved by an odd man known as Olarinkoi. The thoughtless young men are apprehended and punished severely.

Oloisudori’s second visit is more pompous than the first. He comes bearing gifts for all members of ole Kaelo’s family as a way of earning their affection and Resian’s love and hand in marriage.

Mama Milanoi and Ole Kaelo visit Oloisudori’s home in Naivasha and another home he’s constructing for Resian in Milimani Nakuru. They are awestricken by the sheer beauty of the magnificent homes. Ole Kaelo’s selfish needs engulf him and he warms up to the idea of having Oloisudori’s as his son-in-law due to his opulence. They hatch a plan to have Oloisudori marry Resian. They agree that if Resian turns down Oloisudori’s proposal then they would have her abducted, anesthetized (if need be), and circumcised.

When the stage is set for the plan to take place, Resian has other ideas. She wraps the gifts she and Taiyo had received from Oloisudori’s and duly hands them back to him giving him the wrong impression that she had given into his advances. He is baffled when Resian blurts that she wants nothing to do with him. She runs to her father’s office where they are embroiled in a bitter altercation after which runs to Nasila River and sits at the banks nursing the suicidal thoughts fuelled by the looming possibilities of  FGM, marriage to Oloisudori’s and shattered dreams of joining Egerton University.

Olarinkoi finds her and offers to rescue her and take her away from the village. It seems like a reasonable offer since apparently Oloisudori’s marauding gang is combing the village in search of Resian. He promises to take her to Ntare-naaju ranch to meet the revolutionary Emakererei, the rescuer of hapless girls trying to escape the callous cultural rites.

The journey is one to forget. While Olarinkoi sits with the driver in the cabin of the pickup while Resian has to make do with the space at the back of the vehicle. The tedious bumpy ride is a nightmare for her.

Resian is shocked when Olarinkoi takes her to a deserted home in Inkiito village instead of Mink ene Nkoitoi’s ranch in Ntare-naaju. He becomes hostile. He says that he wants to marry her and even attempts to rape her (He doesn't manage to rape her P 253) Nabaru says"... what Olarinkoi tried to do with you (P 232). In the fracas that ensues, Resian bites Olarinkoi’s finger badly but is injured severely and soon slips into unconsciousness.
When she comes to, she meet Nabaru (the enkabaani) a kind hearted nurse who takes care of her. She also meets Olarinkois mother, the mono eyed enkoiboni. She learns that Olarinkoi and his mother have hatched a place to have her circumcised and marrying off to him. This follows prophesy by enkoiboni that her son was to marry Ole Kaelo’s daughter. Olarinkoi is force into hiding due to the shame of his thoughtless attempted rape.

After an agonizing 3 week long stay at Inkiito, Nabaru finally rescues Resian and takes her to Ntare-naaju, to her mentor Minik ene Nkoitoi a manager at the sheep ranch and a vet who studies at Makerere University and thus the name Emakererei. She has rescued over 500 girls from the jaws of F.G.M and forced early marriage. Resian can’t find the words to thank Nabaru. Minik gives her a job at the ranch and a place to stay. She learns that Oloisudori and her father have placed an advertisement in the papers offering a 500, 000 shillings reward to whoever would find her.

Five days later, Taiyo is rescued from Esoit village. She had been abducted and forcibly circumcised. She is rescued and brought to the ranch at Ntaare-naaju. Sadly, in the process of the rescue mission, Joseph Parmuat who was part of the rescue operation was captured and killed by Taiyo’s captives. Taiyo recovers slowly from the physical and psychological trauma of the incident.

The following day, fifth of September, Taiyo and Resian leave for Egerton University, with the help of Minik ene Nkoitoi.
There is a heated confrontation when Oloisudori comes to the ranch and tries to take either Taiyo or Resian from Minik’s care. Minik ene Nkoitoi assertively tells him off before he is attacked by the workers at the ranch and his vehicles destroyed as his men and he escape lynching by a whisker.



1.       Journey to Nasila (P1-10)

2.      The reception at Nasila (P10-20)

3.      Ole Kaelo’s meeting with Ole Supeyo (P20-26)

4.      Arrival at Ole Kaelo’s new home (P27-36)

5.      Ole Kaelo’s homecoming party (P37-53)

6.      The aftermath of the party- The disturbing thoughts about FGM/marriage (P54-63)

7.      The tale of Olarinkoi and Ilarinkon warriors (P81-87)

8.     Oloisudori visits the Kaelos (P92-103)

9.      Ole Kaelo’s dilemma over Oloisudori’s demand to marry Resian (P107-114)

10.  Mama Milanoi’s flashback about amorous men  (P115-118)

11.   Parmuat teaches Resian and Taiyo about culture (love)  (P122-129)

12.  Taiyo and Parmuat love confessions and Parmuat's retraction and conviction (P130-137)

13.  Resian and Taiyo accosted by two vagabonds (P140-141)

14.  Resin and Taiyo’s stay at uncle Simiren’s place  (P148-155)

15.   Search party and punishment for Ntara Muyo and Lante (P156-163)

16.  Oloisudori's second visit (P176-180)

17.   Ole Kaelo and Mama Milanoi visit Oloisudori’s palatial homes in Naivasha and Nakuru &plan to abduct Resian hatched  (P185-191)

18.  Resian’s nasty encounter with Oloisudori (P201-205)

19.  Resian’s escape and suicidal thoughts (P205-210)

20. Resian’s harrowing journey to Inkiito (Olarinkoi’s village) (P212-216)

21.  Olarinkoi tries to rape Resian (P221)

22. Resian meets enkabaani Nabaru (P225) and the mono-eyed enkoiboni (P227)

23. Escape from Inkiito (P246-253)

24. Resian meets Minik ene Nkoitoi (P255)

25.  Taiyo’s rescue from Esoit village (P270-271)

26. Taiyo’s circumcision at Esoit village (P272-273)

27.  Minik ene Nkoitoi’s confrontation with Oloisudori (P282-283)

28. Off to Egerton University! (P284)


  •  Ole Kaelo is a 46 year old business man dealing in agricultural products in Nasila.
  • He’s the husband to Jane Milanoi and father to Taiyo and Resian.
  •  Member of Ilmolelian clan and Iloorasha-kineji sub-clan

Ole Kaelo is portrayed as a selfish individual who only cares about his social and economic status at the expense of his daughters’ happiness. He refuses Taiyo permission to attend an extravaganza organized by an F.M radio station. He also conspires with his friend Oloisudori and his wife Mama Milanoi to forcefully marry off his daughter Resian to old Oloisudori, an unscrupulous man whom she does not love. He does this for his own selfish avarice since his Oloisudori financed his businesses, contracts and mortgage for the house he built in Nasila.

He is also fastidious /meticulous man who plans his affairs carefully and in more often than not angry/ annoyed when his plans are delayed or disrupted. He is therefore temperamental since he rules his household with an iron fist. His daughters are always scared of him. Resian asks Taiyo to talk to him about their prospect of joining Egerton University because she fears him.

He is involved in a cruel scheme with Oloisudori to abduct his own daughter so that she undergoes forceful circumcision and marriage to Oloisudori. He comes off as a thoughtless/inconsiderate. Ole Kaelo is so impressed by Oloisudori’s opulence and is convinced to marry off Resian to him due to his materialism.

He seals his business deals with Oloisudori behind his wife’s back. This shows that he is secretive. He also does not disclose to Resian that Oloisudori is interested in marrying her.

 Despite his many failings Ole Kaelo is a protective father and a loving husband .When Ntara Muyo and Lante son of Kanyira try to rape his daughters, he is so engaged and organizes a search party until culprits are arrested and punished.

He is also generous since he organizes a big home coming party where everybody is invited. He unselfishly shares his food with his relatives and neighbours .His home is always open to many visitors including the odd looking Olarinkoi.


  • Wife to Ole Kaelo.
  •  Mother to Taiyo and Resian
  •  Ilmakesen clan.
  •  She’s 40 years old.

Mama Milanoi is depicted as a submissive Maa wife. She rarely ever questions any decisions made by the husband no matter how irrational/ inconsiderate they may be. She is a conservative conformist who cannot stand up for her daughters when the husband decides to circumcise them as per the dictates of the Maa, against their consent. She fails to stand up for Resian when her husband schemes to have her married off, yet she feels that it is wrong / unacceptable. This makes her selfish since she only cares about her marriage and her happiness and not about the needs of her own daughter.

Mama Milanoi is also insincere/ deceitful since she tricks Taiyo and has her kidnapped and taken to Esoit villagewhere she is forcefully circumcised against her consent .This callousness is not expected from a mother.


  • Ole Kaelo’s 18 years daughter.

She is a resolute/ determined/relentless young lady. Despite all the hurdles she encounters, she manages to join Egerton University. She’s since says she is against the culture where women’s sole purpose is cooking and taking care of lazy men. She insists that Taiyo is present if she is to serve Oloisudori and insists until she gets her ways. Resian is determined. She fights for dear life when Olarinkoi attacks her. Nabaru says: "You fought on. You had the will to live." (P 233)

She is also sincere. She always speaks her mind without confirming to social/ cultural pressure. She tells her mother and aunt confidently that she refuses to be taught to please male counterparts.

 She loves her sister Taiyo dearly and feels at tinge of jealousy when she gets attach to Joseph Parmuat [P 49]. Resian is thus loving/caring or affectionate.

Resian is decisive since she was from the onset. She has her mind focused on joining Egerton University and she fights through the murky path of cultural duties (F.G.M and early marriages) and emerged victorious at the end.

She is ambitious. She has her eyes set on joining Egerton university to pursue veterinary medicine. She looks up to Minik ene Nkoitoi and Wangari Maathai. Since she is optimistic, she is hopeful of joining Egerton University even in the face of Impending doom.   

She is persuasive since she constantly nags Taiyo to plead with her father to let them enroll at Egerton University.


  •  Resian’s elder sister.
  •  She’s 20 years old.

She is affable. She seems like a friendly and likeable person. Unlike Resian who is always complaining about this or that, Taiyo is liked by all and sundry. Both her parents love her. She had a boy friend in Nakuru and quickly becomes friends with Joseph Parmuat barely when she settles in Nasila.

She is also compassionate/pitiful/sympathetic and generous since she feels sorry for old Musanka who could not chew meat and so she serves him rice, beans, peas and potatoes. Ole Musanka blesses her for her generosity. Ole Musanka.

Taiyo is loving since she loves her sister so much and is willing to face her inconsiderate father to ask him about their prospect of enrolling at Egerton university .Since her farther intimidates her and her mother can’t protect her only Taiyo is caring.


  •   Oloisudori is a corrupt and sly extionist and a close friend to Ole Kaelo. He wants to marry Resian, a girl young enough to be his daughter, as a 7th wife. 

Oloisudori is cruel/ callous. He is a notorious criminal. He is famous for black mail extortion, suspected bank robberies, assassination, and poaching e.t.c.

He schemes with Ole Kaelo to kidnap Resian and even make her unconscious if she is unwilling to accept his marriage proposal. He is scheming and deceitful. All his cagey businesses are dependent upon his sly personality. He tries to win over the Kaelo’s by use of gifts to the parents and the girls. He uses a clever dishonest plan to try and woo Resian.

Oloisudori is generally an immoral individual who is also amorous. He is a shameless old man who handles Resian suggestively.


  •  She’s a manager at a government ranch Ntaare Naaju.
  • She studied veterinary medicine at Makerere University.
  • She is a crusader against early marriage and Female Genital Mutilation.
  •  She has rescued about 500 girls.
  • She is the embodiment of a pioneering spirit.

She is determined to fight F.G.M. Even though she has been labeled entagoroi [wasp] and fought by the radicals of the retrogressive Maa cultures she remains steadfast as a pioneer against the obnoxious practices. This determined spirit is clear since she works against all odds presented by her male dominated community and hurdles erected by useless cultural practices like FGM to study all the way to university and to secure a job at Intare-Naaju Ranch.

Men like Ole Supeyo, Ole Musanka and Oloisudori use the oppressive cultural practices to burden women. However, Minik stands her ground and fights back.

She courageously confronts Ole Supeyo, a radical conformist and ardent supporter of FGM and persuades him not to circumcise his daughters. He threatens to beat her up. When Oloisudori confronts her with a view of snatching either Resian or Taiyo from her care, she fights back with unprecedented tenacity until he flees for his dear life.

Due to her selfless nature, Minik sacrifices her valuable time and possessions o help those in need. She has rescued 500 girls from the jaws of the obnoxious traditions ad this is no mean feat. Her generosity is also seen when she offers Resian a job to stay and temporary refuge to Nabaru before she returns to Inkiito.

Resian is awed by her authoritative and assertive natureShe confidently talks to a male lorry driver without the characteristic shyness of a typical Maa woman. She commands respect and the ranch workers, including men; speak to her ingratiatingly and with admiration.

We see her warm/cordial/ welcoming/ hospitable nature in the way she receives Resian and Nabaru. She is simply a loving and compassionate woman who symbolizes the beacon of hope for the daughters of Maa. She is an agent of positive change.


  • A young local primary school music teacher. A member of the Ilmolelian clan, Iloorasha-kineji sub clan. He falls in love with Taiyo who is considered a sister because of their clan ties. He is killed after rescuing her after she is forcefully circumcised at Esoit.

Joseph Parmuat appears like a radical who is ready to embrace change he turns out to be conservative. Although he falls in love with Taiyo, he declines that he loves her since he is afraid of upsetting the sensibilities of the Nasilian culture.

He is caring since he fights for Taiyo when she is abducted. He comes off as wise when he uses his guile to trick Oloisudori’s guards by luring them with alcohol and helping to rescue Taiyo when she was abducted. Although he knew the danger of engaging in such a daredevil stunt, he is courageous enough to carry through with the risky operation but unfortunately loses his life.

Parmuat is not only industrious but also authoritative. He works diligently and passionately whenever he is asked to do so. He leads his clan to make sure Ole Kaelo’s homecoming party is successful. 

He is also reliable since Ole Kaelo entrusts him with the task of leading the clan members in search of the reckless young men who attempt to force themselves on Taiyo and Resian.

He is also a primary school music teacher with a competent group of learners.

  •  A strange man who keeps visiting Ole Kaelo’s homestead with no clear intention. He later kidnaps Resian, attempts to rape her and have her circumcised. He does not succeed.
  •  He’s the son to the mono eyed enkoiboni (the female seer)

Olarinkoi is pretentious. His deceptive demeanor confuses Resian into believing that he is a good man without any ulterior motive.   Having rescued Taiyo and her from their would-be rapists, he earns her trust. However, his brutal and callous nature is revealed when he deceives Resian and kidnaps her with the view of forcefully circumcising and marrying her.

He is cruelHe attempts to rape Resian and even attacks her brutally and knocks her off. 

He is temperamental and treats Resian with a lot of hostility en route to Inkiito and during her harrowing 3 week stay there.

Olarinkoi is abusive/insolent/contemptuous. He calls Resian stupid. "You silly thing" (P 221)

Despite his shortcomings, Olarinkoi bravely fights off two men Ntara Muyo and Lante when they try to rape Taiyo and Resian.

  •      The nurse (enkabaani) who rescues Resian from Inkiito and takes her to Ntare-Naaju ranch where she meets the Emakererei

Nabaru is caring and compassionate. She sympathizes with Resian and treats her like her own daughter after she was kidnapped and injured by Olarinkoi. She nurses her and feeds her. Resian calls her, “My own God given mother” (P234)

She is loving/motherly. She loves Resist as her own child even though they are not related. (P 233)

She is determined to save Resian and does all she can help her. Her determination pays since; she helps her to escape from Olarinkoi’s dungeon in Inkiito and delivers her safely to the Emakererei.

She is open-minded. She changes her views about circumcision and supports the idea of abolishment of the barbaric tradition after listening to Minik’s rational criticism.

  •  A 65 year old cattle trader.
  • A member of the Ilmolelian clan and Ilnyangusi age set
  •  Ole Kaelo’s mentor  

Although Ole Kaelo considers his friend to be intelligent since he has embraced some modern cultures, he is still a conservative and ardent adherent of the Nasilian traditions. He has sent his sons to school but circumcised his daughters and married them off to prominent elders in Nasila.
He is short-tempered. He angrily and forcefully ejects Minik from his homestead and almost clobbers her.
He is a wise and astute business man. Although he did not attend school, he is a successful man. He fastidiously ensures that he is not ripped off by asking Ole Kaelo to help him count his money after business deals.

  •  Nasilian elder and seer
  •  A member of Ilmakesen clan; Ilterito age set

The wise elder advises Ole Kaelo about the value of life and the clan vis-à-vis materialism. He is conservative/old-fashioned:  He bitterly resists change initiated by the Emakererei and insists that girls must be circumcised.
  •  Olarinkoi’s mother. Also referred to as mono-eyed woman
  •  A female ritual expert, medicine woman, seer and prophetess

  •     Ole Kaelo’s younger brother

  • Taiyo’s oldest aunt
  • Uncle Simiren’s first wife

  • Taiyo’s youngest aunt
  • Uncle Simiren’s youngest wife

  • The young men who attempt to rape Taiyo and Resian

  •  The manager at Ole Kaelo’s shop

  •  The female circumciser



  1. The notes see helpful hope next time u will give essays and answers

    1. KCSE essay questions and answers are available on this blog. Thanks for the feedback.

  2. Thank you for the notes.I appreciate

  3. Thanks much for the summary...they really help😊😊

  4. Keep going .Thanks for the good notes sir.

  5. Keep going .Thanks for the good notes sir.

  6. I like it thank you

  7. I like it thank you

  8. How to get blossoms of Savannah pdf sir

  9. Wish you could have quoted pages for characterization.
    Thanks alot

  10. Thanks so much for the continued support you are giving to us teachers and students

  11. do u have notes like the summary

  12. Thanks for the summary notes. So helpful

  13. Thanks for the summary notes

  14. I will like to take this price moment to thanks wekati for the help he is making for my improvement in my grades
    THANKS Again

  15. Am taking this opportunity to thanks wakati for good job it's improving my grade

  16. Thanks for the good summary. Has been of great help to me

  17. I appreciate your work

  18. How can i download the pdf

  19. Good notes but i think theres an error in the synopsis of the book...Ressian was not raped by Olarinkoi

    1. Thank you for the concern. You are right. Resian is not raped. We know that very well. Page 253 clears any doubts. Please reread what we posted carefully (It is clearly written, he doesn't manage to rape her). Many thanks.

  20. can i get this pdf on 0750999856 please

  21. Interesting summery notes 👍

  22. It's so interesting can you please find me the themes

  23. Nice summary....I would like to download it, how can I do it please🙏?

    1. There is no option for downloading at the moment. Thank you for the feedback.


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