Friday 4 October 2019



These study questions from Blossoms of the Savannah are meant to test the students’ mastery of the text. It is imperative for KCSE candidates to master the nitty-gritty details in the text in order to synthesize the episodes and make informed evaluations in response to the KCSE essay questions.

Blossoms of the Savannah short questions with answers
Blossoms of the Savannah Study Questions 


1. On which floor in the flat in Nakuru did the Kaelo family live?
3rd floor

2. What was Taiyo going to do in Mombasa when her father denied her permission?
To attend a music extravaganza organized by an F.M. radio station

3. How old is Taiyo?
20 years old

4. What is the name of Taiyo’s boyfriend in Nakuru?

5. What course does Resian want to pursue at the university?
Veterinary medicine at Egerton University

6. Where was Parsimei Ole Kaelo working before he was retrenched?
Agribix Limited

7. For how long has Mama Milanoi been married to Ole Kaelo?
22 years

8. What derogatory name is given to uncircumcised girls among the   Maa?
Intoiye nemengalana

9. How old was Mama Milanoi when she was married off?
18 years old

10. Who welcomes the Kaelos when they arrive in Nasila?
Uncle Simiren; Ole Kaelo’s younger brother

11. How many wives and children does Simiren have?
4 wives & 16 children 

12. What is the name of Ole Kaelo’s mentor? To what clan does he belong?
Soin Ole Supeyo; Ilmolelian clan 

13. How many children and wives does he have?
6 wives & about 30 children 

14. Who is the Emakererei?
Minik ene Nkoitoi; a manager at Ntare Naaju sheep ranch. She’s a crusader against FGM and early marriage and a graduate of Makerere University

15. Name the five clans of Nasila.

  • Ilmolelian
  • Ilmakesen
  • Ilukumae
  • Ilaiser
  • Iltarrosero 

16. Name 2 sub-clans of the Ilmolelian clan.

  • Iloorasha-kineji
  • Lelema 

17. What meal does Taiyo serve Ole Musanka at the home coming party?
Rice, beans, peas, potatoes

18. Which clan do Ole Musanka and Mama Milanoi belong to?
Ilmakesen; Ole Musanka (Ilterito ageset) 

19. What curse does Ole Musanka pronounce upon the Emakererei?
That she may go down with the setting sun 

20. What does Ole Musanka prophesize about Taiyo when blessing the Kaelo family?
She will be a mother of the next leader of Nasila and Maa

21. Where did Minik ene Nkoitoi go to university and what did she study?
Makerere University; Veterinary medicine (P60-61)

22. What retrogressive aspect of the Maa culture does she fight?
Early marriages; Female genital mutilation

23. Who is enkamuratani and how old is she?
The female circumciser; about 60 years old (P58)

24. Who is referred to as entaapai?
A girl who got pregnant before circumcision; she was married off to the oldest man after getting circumcised (P 63)

25. What is the name of the manager at Ole Kaelo’s shop?

26. How is Joseph Parmuat related to the Kaelos?
They belong to the same clan Ilmolelian and sub clan Iloorasha Kineji

27. What are some of the goods that Olarinkoi brings Mama Milanoi?
Sugar, flour, mutton, or lamb chops 

28. Who are Ilarinkon?
Olarinkoi’s brutal warriors

29. What are some of the demands Olarinkoi had for the people of Maa?

  • 50 bulls to slaughter everyday 
  • 10 cows out of every hundred that each family owned brought to him 
  • one calf out of ten born surrendered to him 
  • All women of child bearing age to entertain Ilarinkon warriors 

30. What is Oloisudori’s full name?
Edward Oloisudori Lonkiyaa  

31. What demand does Oloisudori give Ole Kaelo that troubles his mind?
He wants to marry Resian

32. Why does Mama Milanoi find this strange in line with the Maa culture?
It goes against the grain of cultural norms owing to the age difference

33. What is the punishment for illicit affairs between members of the same clan?

  • compensation in form of cattle 
  • public rebuke 
  • cleansing 

34. Name the different types of love among the Nasilian people.

  • Conventional Love
  • Elangatare
  • Patureishi

35. What are some of the negative cultures that have since been shed off?

  • Throwing the dead and dying to the hyenas, abandoning the old and terminally ill in deserted homes (P 128) 
  • Emuata a culture that demanded that young brides called isiankikin wear heavy copper wire tightly coiled around their limbs and legs (P 263)

36. Who saves Taiyo and Resian when they are accosted by two vagabonds who try to rape them?
Olarinkoi (P 152)

37. What fines are given to the 2 vagabonds?
Ntaara Muyo-3 heifers
Lante – 2 heifers

38. What is Olkuak?
Character behaviour or way of life passed down from old to young generations. Maa way of life; culture/traditions

39. Name some of the Nasila sons and daughters who have since returned to Nasila after stints in urban areas.

  • Ole Kaelo
  • Minik ene Nkoitoi 
  • Reteti korema 
  • Setek Tumbes (P151)

40. What dilemma did a man called Ole Nkipida find himself in?
He was being chased by a lion and as he ran into a hut for safety he met a python at the entrance

41. From which village do Minik and Resian’s Yeiyo kiti originate from?
Mbenek Dapashi 

42. How many girls has Minik rescued?
Five hundred girls

43. Who are the 3 women Taiyo believes collaborate with men to oppress other women? 
The 3 blind mice; Enkamuratani-the female circumciser, Enkasakatoni-threatened to curse intoiye nemengalana not to get a husband or children, and Enkaitoyoni (spied out on young mothers to snuff out intoiye nemengalana) 

44. Name the two vagabonds who assault Taiyo and Resian.
Ntara Muyo
Lante son of Kanyira 

45. What gifts does Oloisudori offer each member of the Kaelo homestead?

  • suiting material that would make four suits of different colours  and 500,000 for  Ole Kaelo

  • 6 leghths of beautifully embroided material to make 'vitenge' for Mama Milanoi
  • Silk materials of different colours for Taiyo
  • Golden brooch and 12 lenghths of different kinds of material for Resian; plus gold bracelet, gold bracelet, golden ring (P178)

46. How many wives does Oloisudori have?
6 wives

47. How old was Oloisudori when he first came to Nasila?
About 10 years old

48. Name the village in which Resian is held captive by Olarinkoi.

49. How old is Resian?
18 years old (turning 19 in September)

50. Where was Olarinkoi to take Resian for hiding after marrying her by force?

51. What is the name of the kind nurse (enkaabani) who helps Resian?

52. Name 2 of Resian’s role models.
Wangari Maathai
Minik ene Nkoitoi

53. What is the name of Emakererei’s sheep ranch?
Ntare Naaju

54. What prize was to be given to whoever finds Resian after she ran away from home?

500,000 shillings

55. Name the village in which Taiyo was forcefully circumcised.

56. How does Joseph manage to rescue Taiyo from Oloisudori’s guards?
He lures them with alcohol; they let their guard down

57. On which month do Taiyo and Resian join university?

NEXT : Themes in Blossoms of the Savannah 

Now let's learn how to answer  KCSE ESSAY QUESTIONS based on Blossoms of the Savannah.


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  1. Good work However, first response for no. 43 should be enkamuratani. Must have been a 'typo'

  2. How does Joseph Parmuat influence Taiyo's life

    1. Taiyo falls in love with him yet they belong to the same clan. Joseph Parmuat later refuses to involve himself in the illicit affair. He later on dies after rescuing Taiyo from Esoit.

  3. Great work here brother. Keep it coming

  4. We need more of the excerpt questions and answers

  5. How is taiyo circumcised

  6. Thank you so much for this.

  7. How does Nabaru end up in Minik's house

    1. she takes resian with her and they are welcomed warmly by nabaru

    2. Welcomed by Minik and not Nabaru

  8. thank you for this

  9. Thank you so much.
    These questions have been of much use in refreshing learners on the plot development...
    God bless you

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks for the positive feedback Mwihia.

  11. thank you very much,it has helped me finish my assignment

  12. How old was mama milanoi when he was married off

  13. Till late today I have finished my assignment and tomorrow we are opening schools thanks for the support

  14. What was the name of the legendary beautiful girls does oloisudori compare resian

  15. The questions are good and I'd love if you'd provide some excerpt with QN and A if possible

  16. thanks a lot has helped me revise

  17. How can I develop a topic sentence in blossoms of the savannah

  18. What are the character traits of minik the emakererei


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