Saturday 9 September 2023

Guide to the Samaritan - Quick Fire Questions and Answers PDF

Guide to the Samaritan - Quick Fire Questions and Answers PDF - John Lara

 ©Wafula Wekati 2023

the samaritan setbook questions and answers pdf

The Samaritan, Act 1 Scene 1 (P1-19)

Where is Act 1 scene 1 of the Samaritan set?

  • Sagrada Secondary School, Maracas Municipality
  • End of year closing day, 10 am (P1)

Who is Mr. Carmona?

The school Deputy Principal (P1)

What two events are scheduled to take place at the end of year school closing program?

  • The Samaritan - the winning innovation in that year’s Secondary Schools National Innovation Competition - is to be officially launched in Maracas Municipality
  • The students who created the winning innovation Alvita and Montano are to be presented with a prize (P1)

Who will preside over the launch?

The Mayor of Maracas Municipality his worship Hon. Mossi (P1)

Who are the other people attending the launch?

  • A few distinguished municipal leaders
  • members of the local school board
  •  the principal
  •  teachers
  •  students (P2)

Mention the leaders and distinguished guests who are present at the launch.

  • The Mayor, Mossi-oa-Tunya
  • The Deputy Mayor, Hon. Ramdaye
  • Municipality political opposition leader, Hon. Basdeo
  • CEO Maracas Municipality , Mr. Harvester 
  •  School Principal, Ms. Narine
  •  Members of the local school board

Who is the Ethics and Innovation teacher at Sagrada Secondary School?

Ms. Nicole (P3)

Identify the two students who created the winning innovation at the secondary schools national innovation competition.

 Alvita and Montano

When Montano travels into the future, he sees Alvita working at a corner in a city. What is her occupation?

 She works as a cobbler (P3)

How does Alvita look?

She looks severely battered and her nose is permanently running. (P3)

According to Montano’s vision of the future, what will be the state of millions of youths 50 years from now?

  • Millions of young people will be loitering aimlessly in the streets and villages without gainful employment
  • All of them will be poor, hungry and angry (P5)

How come Alvita fails to secure a good job despite her good education?

The country produces more graduates each year than the number of jobs it is able to create. (P5)

What was Montano's occupation in his vision?

He earned his livelihood as a pannist with a not-so-popular steel band. (P5)

Joblessness was not Montano’s main concern. He was more concerned with the way Alvita’s nose was running. Why was her nose running like that?

Because of the awful smell in the city. All cities had a bad stench because cleaning water was very scarce (P6)

Why was there no water?

Climate change

  • It was raining once a year, at most for only 10 minutes
  • The new climate could hardly support planet or animal life (P6)

Apart from lack of water, which other problems does Montano see in his vision?

  • Inadequate food - people were eating strange things like insects, crawling creatures, rodents and sea creatures that could survive the harsh climate, plastic, synthetic fibre, and other bizarre things like gunny bags like in the case of Alvita (P6)
  • Low life expectancy - dropped from 80 years to 30-40 years (P7)
  • Diseases and malnutrition - many people could not afford medicine and good food
  • High rates of crime - people were slaughtered like chicken
  • Corruption - law enforcers and judges only served those who greased their palms
  • Lawlessness - those who had no avenue for protection and justice took the law into their own hands. That is the situation today but it is aggravated over the 50 years. (P7)

How is Alvita’s vision of the future entirely different from Montano's?

  • Creativity - intelligent robots had replaced professionals like judges and police officers
  • Increased life expectancy to over 700 years - Drugs had been developed for regenerating body cells in such a way that no one could grow old
  • There was no need for jobs - Machines were doing all the work. Intelligent machines ran factories, hotels and hospitals.(P9)
  • Self-driven vehicles
  • Venturing outside earth, conquering new territories in other parts of the universe
  • Developed technology for cleaning the air of carbon emissions thus solving the problems of climate change.(P9)

Nicole and Montano find Alvita's vision impractical. Why?

Hospitals today barely have medicine. Nicole wonders where the resources will come from. (P9)

How does the Samaritan App work?

  • It is a simple mobile Application on which people share information, videos, texts and photos just as they do on other social media platforms.
  • It has digital pigeonholes where letters, notifications and other communications are sent in soft format.(P10-11)

How has the Samaritan App been used on trial in protecting the environment?

  • People took photographs and videos of illegal activities that degrade the environment in their neighbourhoods
  • They provided details on the location where the activities were taking place and the people involved
  • The information was posted on the pigeonhole of the municipal department responsible for the environment on the App
  • Officials only needed to log into the App and check their pigeonholes to see the reports the people were sending. (P11)

How does the Samaritan App help in ensuring the proper use of public resources?

  • People share information about the use of resources, for example the municipal procurement process
  • People are sharing information on what the municipal council is procuring, how tenders are awarded, who wins the tenders, whether those awarded deliver the goods and services required, the duration of delivery etc
  • The information is pigeonholed with the crimes and integrity Commission (P12)

How do Mayor Mossi and the students react when Alvita shares this insight about the Samaritan App?

  • Mayor Mossi scratches his head thoughtfully, sips some water, turns uncertainly towards the school principal and then Harvester, leans forward on his seat, clears his throat, speaks. (P12)
  • The students clap for Alvita.

Where do the innovators of the Samaritan App get the information, for example on procurement?

From the people who are ready to volunteer information that advances the public good

What informed the naming of the Samaritan App?

It was named after the parable of the Good Samaritan narrated in the good book. (P13) 

How do the developers know that people will not write lies on the Samaritan App?

People will take responsibility for what they write. As indicated in the terms and conditions of using the App, all users take responsibility for what they post. (P13)

What does “Mossi-oa-Tunya” mean?

'The smoke that thunders’

For how long does Mayor Mossi want to live?

472 more years

Mayor Mossi says they will neither launch the Samaritan App nor present the prize to the innovators. What reason does he give for this?

  • He says the innovation is outstanding - so good that it could have far-reaching implications on areas of their social, economic and political life.
  • Municipal leaders need time to reflect on these implications
  • He claims the App may turn out to be a platform for misinformation, lies and witch-hunt. (P15)
  • He asks Nicole and the principal to halt any activities regarding the App. (P16)

When is the president scheduled to officially launch the App at the national level?

 Early next year when schools reopen(P16) 

Who conducted the assessments of the innovations?

  • Senior officials at the Ministry of Education
  • Experienced software engineers(P17)

Mayor Mossi wants Nicole write a letter to the education officials expressing his reservations about the App. Why is this impossible at this point?

The App has been online for months and has been taken over by the National Information and Communication Technology Corporation. (P18)

When Mayor Mossi instructs Nicole to write a letter to the education officials and copy his office through the principal, after how long does he expect the letter? How does Nicole respond?

  • In an hour’s time
  • She says she will do what is right (P18)

Ms. Narine is almost sure Nicole will not write the letter. Why?

Nicole doesn’t usually compromise on what she thinks is right. (P19)

How does Mossi threaten Ms. Narine after she says this?

He points at Narine with his walking stick and tells her to ensure his orders are obeyed, otherwise Narine and Nicole would be in a lot of trouble.


The Samaritan, Act 1 Scene 2 (P20-36)

Where is Act 1 scene 2 of the Samaritan set?

  • Maracas Municipality  headquarters, Mayor's boardroom
  • Second Monday of January, the following year (P20)

What event is taking place?

  • An urgent meeting of the municipality leadership convened by the Mayor
  • The Mayor says that there is a new trend gaining ground in the municipality and it could adversely affect them as leaders.
  • He asks if any of the leaders had read that day’s newspaper. None had. (P21)

Identify the leaders who attended the emergency meeting.

  • Mr. Harvester  – the Municipal Chief Executive Officer
  • Justice Ian Jaden – the Principal Judge
  • Inspector Bembe – Municipal Inspector General of Police
  • Hon. Ted – Secretary, Department of Health and Environment
  • Hon. Seymour – Secretary, Department of Planning and Development
  • Hon. Ramdaye – the Deputy Mayor
  • Mossi – the Mayor (P20)

What does the Mayor ask Harvester  to do that he claims was in the best interest of the leaders?

He asks him to buy all newspapers from the vendors as early as possible. (P21)

What do the headlines of the various newspapers say?

  • The Caribbean Watch - Municipal Leadership: A Criminal Enterprise
  • The Sentinel - Municipal Leaders Stripped Naked
  • The Insight - Rot in Maracas Municipal Council Exposed
  • The Spotlight - Municipal Leaders Face Imprisonment (P21)

What does Mossi say about the newspaper headlines?

He is worried because the focus is on the leaders and the stories under those headlines are extremely damaging.

For how long have such headlines been published?

Every day for the last one month (P22)

How do the other leaders react when Mossi tells them that he singled them out because their departments are most affected?

  • Ted wonders if such headlines are unusual.
  • Jaden says he thinks that these are the usual problems leaders must have with the media from time to time. He suggests that they give the reporters more boxes of chocolate.
  • Bembe suggest that they should threaten some of them. (P22)

Mossi informs them that the problem is not mainstream media. What exactly is the problem?

The Samaritan App – It is the source of all the information in the newspapers. (P22)

Mossi reveals that he declined to launch the Samaritan App officially in the municipality. What reason does he give for this?

He declined to launch it when he figured out the innovation may be a problem for the leaders. (P23)

Harvester explains to the others how the Samaritan App works. In which forms do people share information?

People can post or share information on the conduct of the municipal affairs in form of text, file, picture or video. (P23)

What does Harvester say the main aim of the Samaritan App is?

The aim of the Samaritan App is to promote the public good by exposing corruption and other vices in the municipality and agitating for the prosecution of the culprits. (P23)

What solution does Seymour offer for controlling the damaging information shared on the Samaritan App?

  • He says that they should have a conversation with those posting information in the app.
  • He directs Harvester to obtain some cash, identify those active in posting and paying them to stop. (P24)

Why is Seymour’s solution not viable?

The app has almost half a million downloads. That’s about half a million users. Negotiating with such a huge number of people is impossible. (P24)

Bembe posits that the media is simply doing its normal watchdog job but Mossi insists that there is cause for alarm. Why is there cause for alarm?

  • The information appears to be meticulously researched
  • The assaults by the media seems well-choreographed (P24)

Which serious allegations are levelled against Ted and Seymour?

  • Supplying air – their companies bill the municipal council huge sums of money every month without rendering any services.
  • Details of the companies have been unearthed
  • They appear on the Samaritan then on all the newspapers
  • The companies are linked to Seymour and Ted. (P24)

What’s the name of the prison in Maracas?

 Baneta Express Prison (P24)

Supply of air is only one of the allegations. Mention other allegations levelled against the leaders.

  • Drug trafficking, grabbing of public land, inflation of the cost of the municipal projects, use of proxies to secure municipal tenders, undertaking shoddy public works, murder, gang warfare
  • The information is very detailed on the people and the companies involved (P25)

Identify the personal information on municipal leaders available on the Samaritan App.

  • lifestyle of individual municipal leaders
  •  where they live
  •  the kind of houses they live in
  •  their businesses
  •  vehicles they own
  •  other properties in their possession
  •  when the properties were acquired
  •  a lot  of other personal details (P26)

Who owns Madingo Golf Club?

Bembe - the Inspector General of Police. (P26)

Why does Bembe have an expression of shock on his face when the he learns that there is a lot of talk about Madingo Golf Club with the people wondering where he got money to put it up?

He has always been discreet about his private affairs. He is shocked that people have information that Madingo Golf Club is his. (P26)

What is the name of the lobby group comprising mostly of lawyers?

 The Samaritans

 What is their mission?

  •  It is calling upon people to volunteer as witnesses and help in the prosecution of those involved in the corruption and abuse of office (P26)
  • They are also planning to petition the local government, the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice to take action. (P27)

Can such online allegations form a strong basis for prosecution and conviction?

Yes - provided there are valid documents supporting the allegations (P27)

Inspector Bembe wants the leaders to pass a by-law to stop the App. Which law does he want to be enforced?

He suggests that they should ban the Samaritan App within Maracas Municipality. (P27)

Seymour and Mossi support this idea. What are their suggestions?

  • Seymour says that they can think creatively about it. He suggests a fabrication scheme where they can claim that the Municipal authorities are concerned that suspect apps (spy apps) are finding their way into the municipality.
  •  It may lead to theft of confidential information such as bank account details.
  • They should cite issues of cyber bullying and sharing of pornographic materials in schools.
  • Mossi suggests that they issue a circular that the App should not be in use in Maracas Municipality unless or until it is approved by either the Prime Minister or the Maracas Municipal Council.
  • That computer experts should hack and mess up the Samaritan App. (P27)

What does Harvester say in relation to Mossi's suggestion about messing up the app?

 He says that hacking is a crime. (P28)

What does Seymour suggest that they do should the issues escalate to the courts?

He says that they will rely on judge Jaden (P29)

Judge Jaden is not willing to involve himself in the scheme. How does he respond to Seymour?

He says that they have to be strategic. (P29)

Mossi tells Jaden that they must work together. Why?

Because they all have some skeletons in their closet.(P29)

Justice Jaden does not deny whether he has some skeletons in the closet. How does he respond when Seymour inquires if he has no skeletons at all?

  • He says that he is not a reptile
  • What matters is not what you do, but how you do it.
  • You can fly into forbidden territory and get away with it, provided you do it below the radar.
  • He went to school.(P29)

Seymour suggest that they talk personally to Alvita and  Montano to drop the matter. Why is this not a viable strategy?

  • This is not a viable strategy because as leaders they cannot deal with kids.
  • It is better to deal with Nicole, the Ethics and Innovation teacher (P30)

Ramdaye claims to have another idea. What is it?

He suggests that they get the information out of the Internet. He wonders where the Internet is and how they can get there.

Seymour claims to have a solution. What is it?

  • Money, money, money! And more money! (P31)
  • He suggests that they use money to fight any cases brought against them including the witnesses. (P31)

What reasons do Ramdaye, Bembe and Ted give for being unable to raise money towards this cause.

  • Ramdaye - He has loans and projects
  • Bembe - He has just finished the Madingo Golf Club. He is broke as a church mouse.
  • Ted - cannot raise a meaningful amount. (P31)

Harvester suggests a way of averting the court cases in the first place. What is his solution?

Restitution - conducting a truth and reconciliation exercise.(P32)

What is restitution?

The leaders announce a grace period within which everyone within the municipality should come clean, confess their mistakes, give back what they have acquired illegally, forgive one another and open a new chapter of honesty in the conduct of the municipal affairs.(P32)

How do the leaders react to Harvester’s idea?

  • Ted says that that has never happened anywhere in the world. He doubts whether restitution is a good idea.
  • Seymour wonders whether restitution isn’t admission of guilt. How can he incriminate himself? He wonders what happens if you are accused of crimes other than acquiring wealth irregularly. (P32)

Ramdaye suggests that they can raise money to fight the cases by securing loans or selling some of their property. What does Seymour suggest about raising the funds?

  • He suggests that they find a way of getting that money from the Municipal Fund. (P32)
  • He adds that they need to do reallocation of budget line items. (P33)

How should they spend the money they set aside according to Ted?

They could use it to take care of investigators, lawyers, prosecutors and judges if things go wrong. (P33)

Seymour suggests that they can justify the reallocation of funds on the need to address a certain problem in their town. What is the problem?

  • The waste disposal system in the town is in a terrible state.
  • There is garbage all over the place and the drains are broken. It is a serious health hazard.
  • Seymour posits that they can use this problem to justify the reallocation of funds, but in reality use some of the funds to fight off the impending cases. (P33)

Why is this suggestion about reallocation of funds illegal? What does the law say?

A municipal council cannot spend any money at any time of a financial year except as provided in the national estimates, and as contained in an Appropriation Act approved by parliament. (P33)

Who will be blamed for the misallocation?

 Mossi (P34)

In the past, Seymour and Ted have forced Mossi into misallocation of funds. What were some of their demands?

  • Regular travel with enhanced allowance for members of the municipal council
  •  sitting allowance for unnecessary committee meetings
  •  Loans and mortgages (P34)

What do Seymour and Mossi disagree over?

  • Seymour wants Mossi to submit a supplementary estimate of the expenditure
  • Mossi says that he will have him arrested and prosecuted
  •  Seymour insists that Mossi should approve the supplementary budget or be ejected from office (P34-35)

What shows that Ted and Seymour stole their wealth?

  •  They were elected as poor and jigger-infested hoodlums
  • Now they are living like kings in grandiose villas and mansions
  • They indulge in delicacies in classy hotels and drive state-of-the-art vehicles (P35)


The Samaritan, Act 1 scene 3 (P37-48)

Where is Act 1 Scene 3 of the Samaritan set?

  • Jungle room, Madingo Golf Club
  • Wednesday evening, 9:00 PM
  • A week later 

Which event is taking place?

The mayor has called a meeting of his dependable allies so that they can agree on the handling of the Samaritan crisis which has snowballed into a huge nightmare.

Who are Mossi’s dependable allies?

  • Mr. Harvester
  •  Inspector Bembe

Inspector Bembe brings to the attention of his friends the very high likelihood of his untimely death. He logged into the Samaritan App and found out that he is accused of many misdeeds. What are some of the accusations?

  • Corruption
  •  Violation of human rights
  •  Drug peddling
  •  Extortion (P38)

Why did Mossi temporarily lose consciousness?

He learned that his deputy Ramdaye, Seymour and Ted were mobilizing councilors and Aldermen to pass a vote of no confidence in him. He fears they will send him to prison.

What evidence is there to show that the leaders have neglected Baneta Express Prison and that the conditions there are dehumanizing?

  • Mossi says it is such a damned place
  • The prison has a revolting stench
  • Mossi has never even visited the prison yet he is the mayor (P38)

What crimes is Harvester accused of?

Abuse of office

  • He did letters  banning the use of the Samaritan App.
  • He directed the ICT officer to take steps against suspect innovations.(P38-39)

Mossi is accused of many crimes, one of them being municipal capture. What is municipal capture?

It the worst form of corruption and abuse of office, in which ones private interests determine the direction of public policy.(P39)

Whom does Mossi suspect of leaking evidence or information about the municipal leaders that ends up on the Samaritan App to the journalists?

  • The opposition chief, Hon. Basdeo, whom he refers to as the porcupine .
  • He withdrew money and paid journalists to look for damaging information on the leaders to upload it on the Samaritan. (P39)

What does Mossi say to show that Hon. Basdeo is power hungry?

He claims ‘Porcupine' can do anything to acquire power. Even selling his own mother.(P39)

What is the damaging story published in the newspapers about Harvester?

Following Mossi’s instruction, Harvester used public funds to purchase all newspapers the previous week.

What damaging news is published in The Sentinel about Mossi?

  • The Sentinel’s headline reads: Maracas Municipality Council rocked in a civil war. 
  • It claims Mossi lost a tooth after a fierce altercation with Seymour.(P40)

What did The Caribbean Watch write about Inspector Bembe?

  • The Caribbean Watch claims that Bembe's hotel and his home adjoining it are built on public land - Maracas University land.
  • Some lobby group is moving to court to have it restored to the university. (P40)
  • It also accuses him of gang involvement. He is a member of the Ghettoboyz a gang that robs people in the municipality
  •  He is accused of corruption. His hotel is built with the money his officers collect from motorists every day.
  • He has transformed the Municipal Police Force into his own personal outfit for collecting bribes from the guilty and innocent alike.(P41)

Because of his corrupt ways, what name are people calling his hotel?

 Motorists Highway Hotel (P41)

How does Mossi promise to help Bembe concerning the land?

 He can arrange to have the university allocated alternative land.(P41)

Who sold Bembe the land?

That dinosaur called Ramdaye. (P42)

Mossi directs Mr. Harvester to prepare a comprehensive press statement to help them handle the crisis. What should the statement focus on?

It should focus on countering the allegations leveled against the leaders in the media. (P43)

What are some of the issues Mossi intends to address during the press conference?

  • Cyberbullying
  • The leaders' concern on spyware
  • Denying ever refusing to present the award to Alvita and Montano.
  • Mainstreaming the use of App in the running of the Municipality to enhance transparency and accountability.

How often should Harvester arrange for a press conference according to Mossi?

Every day(P43)

Why does Mossi want to address a press conference every day?

  • To give an impression that the municipal council is running normally.
  • To hype the message that the allegations on the newspapers and the app are lies manufactured by political opportunists and election losers.

According to Mossi, why are the courts in Maracas undependable?

  • They follow the money, more often than follow justice
  • He says this after Bembe suggests that they arrest Ramdaye, Seymour and Ted who are mobilizing a vote of no confidence in him and Harvester says that they should instead stop the move in courts.(P44)

Why do you think Ramdaye and his team can easily win over the majority of ward representatives and Aldermen?

The ward representatives and aldermen are also exposed in the Samaritan and also face the risk of persecution.(P44)

How does Mossi plan to stop the meeting to deliberate on the vote of no confidence?

He wants to mobilize his gang (the Red Eagle Network) of young supporters to make the municipal headquarters a no-go zone for the conspirators.(P45)

How does Bembe plan to support this?

He plans to support this by getting his gang, Ghettoboyz, and some undercover police to support Mossi's youth network. (P45)

Who is Black Man?

  • He heads the Red Eagle Gang
  • He is the coordinator of Mossi's networks (P45)

What is the law of the instrument?

That if all you have is the hammer, you tend to think of every problem as a nail.(P47)

Bembe plans to accuse Miss Nicole of some crimes. Which ones?

Stealing school furniture, a computer, or a generator(P47)

If Mossi gets Jaden to imprison Ramdaye and his team, which two birds would he have killed with one stone?

  • Aborting the no confidence vote
  • Responding to the people's demand for the imprisonment of corrupt leaders (P47)

How do Mossi and Harvester plan to give Hon. Basdeo a dose of his own medicine?

By assigning the media people to dig up some damaging information about him and having it uploaded on the Samaritan.  (P48)

The Samaritan, Act 2 Scene 1 (P49-53)

The students' plea

Where is Act 2 Scene 1 of the Samaritan set?

Sagrada Secondary School, Ms. Nicole’s office

Thursday, around 8:00 AM (P49)

Why are Alvita and Montano worried?

They are worried over Ms. Nicole. Following the Mayor’s ultimatum during the closing day last year, they fear that The Samaritan might get her into trouble. (P49)

In the parable of the Samaritan, robbers attacked a Jewish man. They beat him up, robbed him and left him for dead. Name the two people that walk by but ignore the injured man.

  •  The priest – a religious man
  •  The Levite - a religious man/assistant to the priest(P50)

Who helps the injured man?

 The Samaritan

What is the irony in this parable?

  •  The Samaritan helps the injured man despite the hostility between Jews and Samaritans and their different views on religion.
  •  He treats the man with compassion, dresses his wounds and takes him to a safe place.(P51)

How are the people of the municipality like the Jewish man?

  •  They are beaten, stripped, robbed and left for dead.
  •  The leaders, whom they expect to get help from, only talk about pursuing public interests but they are not committed to it.

How can citizens act as the Samaritan?

 They can be one another’s keeper and take care of one another without claim to any office.(P51)

How is the Samaritan App an excellent platform for the citizens to be there for one another?

 It gives each one of them an opportunity to speak out against wrongdoing and to share ideas that will make life better for all of them.(P51-52)

For how long has The Samaritan been all over the newspapers, radio and TV channels?

 Over two months(P52)

How can the App be used by the people as a smart and convenient tool for casting a spotlight (giving information about something bad) on the leaders?

  • It can be used to expose the corrupt ways of the leaders
  •  Expose their stolen wealth
  •  create a better society for all citizens (P53)

What shows that the leaders probably stole the wealth they have?

 The big vehicles they drive, the huge houses they live in and the lifestyle they flaunt are not commensurate to the salaries they are paid.(P53)

How does Ms. Nicole advise Alvita and Montano about The Samaritan?

  • To stand firm with the App
  •  To demand that the leaders do things right
  •  they should not be afraid or discouraged
  •  to work hard and they will go very far(P53)

The Samaritan, Act 2 Scene 2 (P54-73)

Narine summons Nicole (P54-59)

Where is Act 2 scene 2 of the Samaritan set?

The principal's boardroom, Sagrada Secondary School (P54)

Who is Shalini?

Shalini is the principal’s secretary (P54)

What is Nicole’s response when Shalini asks whether she will have coffee or tea?

 She declines the offer. She says she will not have anything for now.(P54)

Why has the Principal asked Nicole to come over?

 Mayor Mossi would like to have a word with her. He is on his way.(P54)

What does the principal believe the Mayor is coming to see Nicole about?

She believes he wants to follow up on his directive that they find a way of stopping the national launch of the Samaritan App. (P55)

The principal asks Ms. Nicole to think long and hard about the App in order to bring the matter to a close. Why?

The App has sent shockwaves across the municipality, sending leaders and other people in terrible panic. It is dangerous.(P55)

Who do the leaders think has the powers to get them out of their present predicament?

Ms. Nicole

According to the principal, what is the mission of the school?

To provide the students under their care with quality education. (P56)

Which joint team is responsible for arrangement in preparation for the national launch of the App?

  •  education ministry officials
  •  the president's office representatives (P58)

Why does the principal seek to be excused from the meeting between Nicole and Mayor Mossi?

  • The school has nothing to do with the App as it is now under the Ministry of Education.
  • The talk between Nicole and Mossi is a private affair and has nothing to do with the school.(P58-59)
  • She is scared of meddling in politics.

The worried mayor spills the beans (P59-71)

What is Mayor Mossi’s major worry about the Samaritan App?

That a malicious person or political opponent like Hon. Basdeo will deliberately post false information about him on the app.(P59)

What step can one take in the event that someone posts false information about them or defames them on the app?

One can plead their grievances in a court of law.(P59)

The posts on the Samaritan are anonymous. How can one obtain the identities of the persons behind defamatory posts?

  • By obtaining the identity from the administrator of the App.
  • The identity of those posting anonymously is hidden from the public but not from the administrator of the App.
  • The administrator is under legal obligation to provide that information upon request by a court of law.(P60)

Since the Samaritan may have far-reaching ramifications, what is Mayor Mossi’s mission at Sagrada?

  • He admits that he has made some mistakes
  •  He visits Nicole to own up his mistakes and to seek her understanding and help.(Pg 60)

How does he want Nicole to help him?

 By eliminating some of the negative information about him on the Samaritan app.(P60)

Mossi wants Nicole to prevail over the two kids to help him. Why is this unhelpful?

The National Information and Communications Corporation has taken over the App and is making decisions on behalf of the two students.(P60)

What does Mossi propose that shocks Nicole?

He offers her and the students a bribe yet he is entrusted with fighting corruption.(P61)

On the issue of development, what is Mossi accused of?

  •  Inflating the cost of projects
  •  presiding over shoddy municipal works.(P62)

Outline the inefficiency in the construction and maintenance of secondary roads in the town?

  • Only a few kilometres of roads are usually dug up and then leveled?
  • The contractor pours old black oil and claims the road is tarmacked.
  • Secondary roads look like an abandoned battlefield where bombs were detonated.
  •  even tractors get stuck on those roads.
  • the council pays a lot of money for these roads.(P62)

Who is the municipal secretary in charge of Infrastructure?

Ramdaye, the Deputy Mayor

How does he misuse his position?

  • Only his  companies and those of his relatives win tenders for road construction in the municipality.
  • He favours his companies and those of his relatives in regard to tenders for the construction of bridges, drains and water course.
  • They misappropriate funds and don't do any meaningful work.(P63)

How does Ramdaye swindle people?

  • Prints fake title deeds
  • Prints ten title deeds for the same plot and sells the same plot to ten different unsuspecting people.(P63)

What is ironical about the people in relation to Ramdaye?

  • The people overwhelmingly vote for him yet they know he is a swindler.
  •  They glorify evil and mediocrity and turn around and whine when it hurts them.

Which creature does Mossi compare Ramdaye to?

He says he resembles a sloth- slow, ugly, dimwitted and outright useless.(P63)

How does Mossi prefer calling Hon.Ted king, the municipal secretary for the Department of Health and environment?

The bat

What does Mossi accuse Ted king of doing?

  • He "ate" a whole hospital
  • He invited bids for construction of health centers.
  •  He ensured companies associated with his friends and relatives won the tenders.
  •  He stole all the money budgeted for the health centres.
  •  Put up site offices that look like cowsheds.(P64)

What was Ted’s occupation before he joined the municipal council?

 He was a deejay.(P64)

Why does Mossi prefer calling Ted ‘the bat’?

He used to be a deejay operating in dingy nightclubs. He operated in darkness like a bat. (P64)

What was Ted’s reputation as a deejay?

  • He was responsible for noise pollution from the nightclubs and people complained
  • he was pirating other people's music. (P64-65)

Why was Ted voted in overwhelmingly into the municipal council. What excites the youth about Ted?

 The youth are excited about his evil hairstyle, ripped jeans, bangles, and other ‘satanic’ adornments. (P65)

Why is Ted unfit to serve in the council chamber?

  •  He is illiterate
  •  He stinks – makes the whole chamber smell like a nightclub and a brewery (P65)

When Nicole suggests that Mossi calls his municipal secretaries to order and rebuke them, which insults does he spew?

  • the bat
  •  godforsaken windbag
  •  scatter brain
  •  evil man(P65)

Outline Seymour’s inefficiency as the secretary to the municipal department of Planning and Development.

  • He is behind the protracted delays in the issues of building approvals in the municipality
  • One needs to bribe him (part with dollars) to get building plan approval
  • The inspectorate unit under him approves improper buildings because of corruption.(P66)

Why is Mossi scared of prosecuting Seymour?

  •  He is involved in gang violence. He heads the murderous Black Swan gang. The gang is responsible for shootings and violence and disappearance of people.
  • He sells drugs and has ruined lives because of narcotics trafficking.(P66)

How has he ruined lives?

  • children have dropped out of school because of drugs
  • some have become cabbages because of drugs
  • some have died
  • some roam aimlessly
  • some have lost their minds

Why was he voted in overwhelmingly?

He bribed voters using lots of drug money. (P67)

Where did Seymour get his law degree?

It was printed downtown. He never studied law.(P67)

What excuse does Mossi give for not prosecuting the corrupt, inept leaders despite having information to have them prosecuted in court?

The judges themselves are worse than temple robbers. They are part of the syndicate.(P67)

When Nicole asks Mossi if all the accusations levelled against him in The Samaritan are false, he admits that he makes mistakes but some are just natural and excusable. How does he try to defend himself using the analogy of a loaf of bread?

  • He says that for example, a loaf of bread for the people comes through him. He is part of the people; so he takes a slice, or even two, or in fact only three, and gives the rest to the people.
  • The others eat the whole loaf together with the wrapping and, where possible, even the vendor. (P68-69)

Name the leaders whose families/relatives are involved in municipal projects or do business with the municipal council.

  •  Deputy Mayor, Hon. Ramdaye
  • Judge Ian Jaden (P69)

Describe Hon. Seymour’s family.

  • The eldest is always at the rehab
  • the other is inebriated permanently at the casino
  •  the wife is a perpetual drunk (P70)

Angry mayor (P71-73)

What analogy does Mossi use to blame the people for whining?

  • They voted in evil men into public office
  • If you elect a howler monkey to be librarian, why should you complain when it starts howling when you most want to read in silence. (71)

Which virtues are taught at Sagrada Secondary School?

  • Honesty
  • Truthfulness
  •  Generosity
  •  Integrity
  •  Prosperity(P72)

What final ultimatum does Mayor Mossi give Ms. Nicole?

 He orders her to delete every post that casts him in negative light in the Samaritan App. (P73)

How does Nicole react to this?

 She remains silent and motionless.


The Samaritan, Act 2 Scene 3 (P74-86)

Convention of the rebels 

Where is Act 2 scene 3 of the Samaritan set?

  • Madingo Golf Club, Sky Room
  • Same day, Thursday, late afternoon (P74)

What are the three leaders sipping?

 Bottles of gold, white and dark rum.(P74)

What are they discussing?

They are discussing the brutal attack meted on them by Hon. Mossi’s organized crime gang.(P74)

What shows the attackers were not ordinary hooligans?

Their organization and speed was akin to that of a military operation. (P75)

Who was tasked to talk to councillors and Aldermen to assess whether they will support the no confidence motion?

Ted (P75)

What wrong assumption does Hon. Ted make when he makes the night calls to the councillors and Aldermen?

He assumed he could whip up racial and class prejudice to get many of them to support them.(P76)

List the different categories of the chamber members.

  •  the indecisive type
  •  they headless type
  •  the entrepreneurial type
  •  the independent-minded type

Identify some members of the indecisive type.

Hon. Ferreira (Mr. Key) (P76)

Describe Hon. Ferreira aka Mr. Key.

  • He sits on the fence
  • He can hardly commit to any side
  • He talks in circles citing proverbs and idioms

Which category makes up the majority?

 The headless type (P77)

Which political parties make up the majority of the headless type?

  • People’s Party- Basdeo
  • Liberal Party- Mossi (P77)

Which leader claims that he does not belong to any ethnic group?

 Seymour (P77)

Describe the entrepreneurial type.

  •  These political entrepreneurs are keen on making money
  • They vote for the side that gives them more money
  •  They demanded money to support the vote of no confidence(P78)

Describe the independent-minded type.

They listen and serve the people.

Identify two members that fall under the independent-minded group.

  • Hon. Brian Hyde (Mr. Torch)
  • Hon. Yongmi aka Mr. Developer (P78)

Describe Hon. Yongmi aka Mr. Developer.

  • He is a highly disciplined man
  •  He’s either Indo-Japanese or Indo-Chinese
  •  He was previously a head teacher
  •  He exerts the same school discipline in running his ward
  •  He is a kind soul
  •  He is terminally ill (P78-79)

Whom do the people think is the right person for the Mayor’s seat?

Hon. Yongmi aka Mr. Developer (P78)

Describe Mr. Torch- Bryan Hyde.

He is a highly educated man who has many ideas that don't seem to tie up sometimes.

What does Mr. Torch say when Ted asks him who has better leadership qualities between Hon. Ramdaye and Hon. Mossi?

  • He says that there is always a winner even in a beauty contest of monkeys
  •  a sarcastic comment(P79)

What is Hon. Ted's overall assessment of the possibility of winning the vote of no confidence in Mossi?

  • The situation is not very good.
  • It is difficult to know which direction the vote would go. (P79)

How does Basdeo want to work with Ramdaye, Seymour and Ted?

He wants them to form a coalition of leaders and all chamber members of mixed ethnicity. (P80)

What conditions for alliance does he spell out?

 Once Seymour becomes the Mayor, he will immediately appoint Basdeo as Deputy Mayor. (P80)

How does Basdeo plan to alienate people against Mossi?

  •  Get the most articulate speakers to incite the people claiming: all municipal funds are being committed to developing the wards occupied by members of Mossi’s ethnic group (marginalization of other communities).
  • Create and widely circulate the story that the people of these parts descended from the same ancestor as the Indos (historical revisionism).
  • Celebrate cultural diversity by claiming that people from Mossi’s ethnic groups smell like beetles and believe in obeah (sorcery) (P81-84)

What is the name of the handsome man that marries the two girls he finds drawing water at the river, according to Basdeo's myth?

Shang Ramas (P83)

Who is tasked with apportioning topics to the councillors and aldermen?

Hon. Ted King (P85)

What type of music is expected at Atobold stadium during the carnival festivities?

Steel pan, soca and calypso

The four leaders want to plan an anti-Mossi rally during the carnival festivities. Why might it be necessary to hold the rally much earlier?

Ramdaye got information that Mayor Mossi is consulting his lawyers on the possibility of arresting and prosecuting the four leaders – Ramdaye, Ted, Seymour and Basdeo.

On which day do they agree to hold the rally?


The Samaritan, Act 3 Scene 1 (P87-92)

A lesson on ethics

Where is Act 3 Scene 1 of the Samaritan set?

  • Sagrada Secondary School, classroom
  • Friday morning (P87)

What does Nicole say that shows that she likes order and dislikes disorganization?

  • The classroom is a mess
  • She asks her student to pull their desk slightly to the left
  • The desks must be neatly arranged
  • She asks another student to collect a piece of paper on the floor
  • She tells them that they must organize the environment and make sure that everything is well-arranged and neat
  • She says a disorganized mind cannot learn (P87) 

Ms. Nicole says the human heart has two parts. Which ones?

The mind and the spirit (P87)

 Name the two types of spirits?

 The good and the evil spirit (P88)

What happens when people don’t obey traffic rules?

  • Alvita: We have chaos. Accidents occur.
  • 1st student: Accidents lead to pain, disability, suffering, death and grief.(89)

What is the difference between a good spirit and an evil spirit?

 A good spirit obeys and is associated with the Maker and follows his rules. The evil spirit disobeys and leads to destruction. It is associated with the Destroyer. This spirit is also called the Beast.(P89)

What happened in Ancient Near East in 587 BC?

The fall of Jerusalem and the temple after a long siege by the Babylonians(P90)

Why were Jerusalem and the temple destroyed?

 The people disobeyed the laws of the creator. (P90)

What acts of disobedience are there in society today?

  • Corruption
  • Murder
  • Theft
  • Deceit/Lies
  • Sexual perversion(P90)
  • Idol worship(P91)

Which spirit is prevalent in the society today?

The evil spirit the spirit of the beast(P91)

How is the Maracas Municipality undergoing destruction?

  • No drugs in hospital because of theft
  • Bribery in the police force
  • No justice in the law courts(91)

What did Euripides, the famous Greek playwright say?

Slow but sure moves the might of the gods.(P91)

"You can never escape from the consequences of your actions." Who says these words? 

Ms. Nicole (P92)

The Samaritan, Act 3 Scene 2 (P93-98)

Nicole arrested

Where is Act 3 scene 1 of the Samaritan set?

  • Sagrada Secondary School
  • Friday morning

What has Bembe gone to do in Sagrada Secondary School?

 To arrest Nicole

What preposterous charges does Bembe lead against Nicole?

That her phone signal was at one time located at the scene of a murder.(P94)

What does Bembe accuse Nicole of stealing?

The school generator(P95)

What other accusations does Bembe say have been levelled against Nicole?

She has the reputation of being too strong-willed to be suitable for a school teacher.(P95)

Describe Nicole’s arrest.

  • Bembe bangs the table violently and shouts an order
  • Two police officers enter
  • He asks them to handcuff her
  • She resists but is overpowered. Silence.
  • Bembe rummages through papers on Nicole’s table.(P95)
  • Nicole refuses to move and sits down on the floor.
  • The officers drag her on the floor
  • Bembe orders them to stop
  • Bembe pulls drawers open, throwing papers on the floor and asks Nicole where she had hidden the Samaritan (P95)

Bembe claims the Samaritan App is a grave danger to the society. Which three questions does Nicole ask him in an effort to debunk this?

  • When the Samaritan helps fight environmental degradation by exposing the culprit, is that dangerous?
  • When it helps unearth those who supply air to the municipal council instead of goods and services, is it dangerous?
  • When it helps obtain information on criminal gangs, is it dangerous? (P97)

How does Nicole reply when Bembe insinuates that she is a very dangerous woman?

She says that she is just a simple teacher trying to do what is right.(P98)

The Samaritan, Act 3 scene 3 (Pg 99-113)

Bembe meets Mossi (P99-101)

Where is Act 3 Scene 3 of the Samaritan set?

Monday, late afternoon

Madingo Golf Club, jungle room(P99)

What does a waiter place on the table?

A soft drink

 Two glasses(P99)

Why can’t Bembe last a week in prison?

 He's diabetic(P99)

When Bembe arrested Nicole, what did he charge her with?

Disobeying authorities and stealing the school generator (P100). 

What happened when Nicole was arraigned in court?

 Thousands of protesters - touts, hawkers, students, women and men of all walks of life - gathered at the court precincts in solidarity with Nicole. (P100)

Who heard Nicole’s case and what was the verdict?

Justice Jaden - he dismissed the case and set her free.(P100)

Why was Bembe embarrassed?

The ‘fools’ he sent were unable to steal the generator. (P100)

Bembe feels his situation is out hand.. which extreme idea does he have?

Fleeing into the mountains, digging a hole and living there. (P100)

How does Bembe help Mossi avert meeting between Ramdaye his group?

He assigns a contingent of officers to support the Red Eagle. (P101)

Where and when are Ramdaye and his team planning to meet after regrouping?

  • Wednesday
  •  Atabold Stadium(P101) 

The grain scandal (P102-113)

Which scandal does Mossi plan to exploit to get justice Jaden on their side?

The grain scandal (P102)

Which company that is linked to Jaden was involved in the scandal involving rats and other rodents?

 Prime Orchard Farm (P105)

Which position does he hold in the company?

 He is a shareholder(P105)

What is the name of Jaden’s longstanding mistress?

 Ivy (P106)

Which contract did Ivy want Mossi to award her with after being sent by Jaden?

A contract for killing rats and other rodents ravaging rice and corn fields in the municipality.(P106)

Which method was she going to use to eliminate the menace?

 Using pesticides and cats

What is the name of her company?

Vertebrae Paste Control, a subsidiary of Prime Orchard Limited.(P106)

Why did members of the municipal council reject the contract?

They insisted on competitive bidding

What was the verdict when Ivy went to court?

 Justice Jaden ruled that given urgency to safeguard the grains, the idea of single sourcing was permissible in the public interest.(P107)

Why were rats being reared in Prime Orchard Farm?

  • They were reared and let loose on the farms.
  • They would kill some and parade them for people to see, and introduce more rats.
  • The whole idea was to undermine production in order to increase demand for imported grains.
  •  Prime Orchard is one of the largest corn imports in the municipality.(P107)

Which two leaders wanted to expose the Rodengate Affair?

  • The opposition chief, Mr. Basdeo
  • The deputy Mayor, Hon Ramdaye (P108)

What does Ivy do to keep them silent?

  •  She gives them dollars
  •  She makes them shareholders of the Prime Orchard Limited. (P108)

What was Jaden's verdict when Prime Orchard Farm was sued for being the source of the rodents?

He ruled that pests was a normal phenomenon that could not be blamed on a particular farm.(P108)

What is ironical about the specially trained cats?

They eventually become wild and they prefer eating chicken not rodents.

What conditions does Mossi give Jaden in order to let him off the hook?

  • Convicting Basdeo and Ramdaye for their involvement in the grain scandal
  •  Jail Seymour and Ted for supplying air to the Maracas Municipal Council

Apart from the rodent scandal, how else does Jaden abuse his office?

  • He uses public office to amass a fortune for himself
  • He takes bribes from litigants to determine the cases in their favour. It works and he accumulates  wealth. (P112)

How does he suffer?

  • Stomach ulcers
  •  Hallucinations – Sees huge, smelly sewer rat (P113)


The Samaritan, Act 4 scene 1 (P114-119)

Jaden seeks Harvester's help

Where is Act 4 scene 1 of the Samaritan set?

  • Tuesday, late morning
  • Madingo Golf Club, Jungle room

Why does Jaden meet harvester?

 He is in a mess and needs his help concerning the Samaritan App.

Why is Harvester accused of countless crimes despite being a born again Christian?

 He has never stolen or intentionally done anything wrong but he is crucified for the things Mayor Mossi tells him to do.

What is his plan for getting out of the mess?

His whole family is fasting and praying, trusting God to get him out of the mess.(P115)

The Mayor wants Jaden to jail Ramdaye, Seymour, Ted and Basdeo. Why does this put Jaden in a dilemma?

  • Jaden cannot convict Basdeo and Ramdaye since he’s also entangled in the affair.
  • He helped some friends by making a biased ruling.
  • Those friends paid him by giving him shares in a company the municipal council is suing.

How does Jaden blame the society for his predicament?

  • He claims that a judge doesn't operate in a vacuum
  • That ethos (characteristic spirit) operating in society influences his thinking and action
  • His ruling is a reflection of the prevailing culture.(P116)

Describe Jaden’s suffering following his dilemma.

  • Seeing rats and other rodents running all over the place
  • Catching the smell of sewer rats
  • Wants to throw up
  •  Stomach ache
  • Ulcers have worsened since the previous day. (P117)

Where did Jaden have dinner last night? What did he take?

At Madingo Golf Club. He took Trinidadian crab and callalloo.

What is the fundamental principle of the philosophy of utilitarianism?

  • The principle of the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.
  • Make a decision that will result in the greatest happiness for a great number of people.(P120)

Which alternative dispute resolution strategy does Jaden have in mind?

  • Having talks with Mayor Mossi, Basdeo and the others.
  • He asks Harvester to reach out to them with the idea

When does Jaden purpose to meet the other leaders?

He wants Harvester to talk to them that night and arrange for a meeting first thing the next morning.

Where will the meeting take place?

In Justice Jaden's Chamber


The Samaritan, Act 4 Scene 2 (P120-127)

Seeking redemption

Where is Act 4 scene 2 of the Samaritan set?

  • Chamber of the principal judge
  • Wednesday, morning

What is the aim of the meeting at the chamber of the Principal Judge?

 Justice Jaden called the meeting to have a candid talk with other leaders with the aim of saving their skins from the Samaritan. (P120)

Various leaders failed to agree on the real problem that is facing them. What do some of the leaders say their problem is?

  • Mossi: His impending removal from office
  •  Seymour: Mossi's refusal to allow a reallocation of budget or submission of a supplementary estimate
  • Harvester: The Samaritan
  • Bembe: The school kids who made the Samaritan App
  • Basdeo: The skeletons in the closet
  • Jaden: The risk of prosecution

“Never hit a snake if you haven’t seen its head.” Who says these words?

Jaden (P120)

How has the Samaritan helped the government to unearth the rot at Maracas Municipality? What steps is the government taking to address the rot?

  • The public is up in arms - people want the leaders to be held to account 
  • The minister for local government has scheduled a high level meeting to discuss the municipality that Wednesday afternoon.
  • The Chief Justice is contemplating taking action on the legal issues associated with the Samaritan.(P122)

What is the principle of double jeopardy?

Justice Jaden’s idea is to initiate prosecutions in order to preempt any legal move against the leaders from other quarters. (A person cannot be tried twice for the same crime based on the same conduct. (P123)

How does Jaden plan to execute the friendly prosecution?

  • Getting and paying friendly people to lodge cases against them
  •  Determining the cases in their favour
  • Buying time through endless adjournments (P123)

Which leaders oppose the idea of prosecution?

Bembe, Seymour, Ted

Which other idea does Justice Jaden float?

Temporarily halting the use of the Samaritan App by lodging a case citing intrusion of the right to privacy.(P123)

Which idea does Basdeo offer concerning Nicole?

That they give her some powerful position in the municipal council.(P125)

Who is chosen to speak to Nicole on behalf of the other leaders?

Justice Jaden. (P127)


The Samaritan, Act 4 scene 3 (P128-139)

Principal's reproach

Where is Act 4 scene 3 of the Samaritan set?

  • Sagrada Secondary School, principal’s boardroom
  • Wednesday lunch hour

“The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists, and if you can’t turn the wind, turn the sails” Who says these words?

Ms. Narine, the principal (P130)

Remorseful leaders (P130-137)

Which leaders apologize to Nicole?

  • Mossi
  • Bembe

Which present does Ted offer Nicole?

A golden ring, which she declines (P132)

What role is Nicole willing to play in the new order at Maracas Municipality?

  • She owes the municipality and the country a civic duty
  • She is ready to work with patriotic citizens to enhance transparency and accountability in management of public affairs.(P133)

Which changes does Mossi say they want in a bid to lure Nicole to work with them?

  • Public resources will no longer be stolen
  •  Justice will be served and not reserved for the rich
  • The police will stand with the innocent not crooks and lawbreakers
  • Lawmakers will promote the public interest rather than feathering their own nests. (P133-134)

Which position does Jaden propose for Nicole?

 Director general (P134)

According to Mossi, what would be Nicole’s role in the municipality when she is given the contract as the director general of Maracas Municipality?

She will be a consultant with oversight powers over all departments of the municipality and she will be answerable to the mayor and the mayor alone. (P135) 

How does Nicole respond to the offer?

She says that they don’t need contracts, laws, positions, offices or institutions. They need a change of heart or spirit among the people and especially the leaders. (P135)

How can this be achieved?

  • By embracing a new spirit and mindset – caring for one another
  • Being a brother’s keeper
  • Taking responsibility for the wellbeing of the municipality
  • Abiding by the law
  • Obeying the Maker
  • Shedding the spirit of the beast which resists the golden rule (P135-136)

Who is disappointed about Nicole’s sermon?

Seymour (P136)

Whom does Nicole blame for the present sorry state of the municipality?

  •  She blames the leaders
  •  They are only interested in personal gains
  •  They dipped their fingers into the public till
  •  They broke the law
  •  They abandoned the sails of managing the people’s affairs of leading them into a prosperous future (P137)

Justice at last (P137-139)

What is the name of the tall police officer who enters the office together with Principal Narine?

Inspector Tajo – Head of the National Anti Corruption Investigative Bureau.(P138)

How do the leaders react when Tajo tells them that he was there and has instructions to escort all of them to the headquarters of the Anti-Corruption Investigations Bureau for clarification on a variety of issues?

  • Inspector Bembe staggers and almost falls as he seeks cover.
  • Justice Jaden crouches under the boardroom table.
  • Mayor Mossi tries to hide behind Nicole.
  • Others shuffle around Nicole on their feet in confusion. (P138)

Please keep the conversation going in the comments section. 

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