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 These study questions from Inheritance by David Mulwa are meant to test the students’ mastery of the text. It is imperative for KCSE candidates to master the nitty-gritty details in Inheritance in order to synthesize the episodes and make informed evaluations in response to the KCSE essay questions on Inheritance by David Mulwa. For essays on Inheritance click here. 

Inheritance short questions answers

 1.              What is the setting of the prologue?
Physical setting: Colonial mansion of Governor Thorne Macay, Kutula Colony (Africa)
Time setting: 20th Century (P 2)

2.               Identify some of the items in the mansion.
· Lee-Enfield 303 (rifle)
· Prize heads of a king-sized lion, kudu and antelope
· Leopard skins
· Zebra skin
· Mural of black Kutula natives
· Imposing throne (P 2)

3.              Which three people visit governor Macay?
Bishop Menninger
King Kutula XV
Princess Sangoi (P 3)

4.          What are they conferring about?
Governor Macay has called King Kutula to discuss about escalating violence against the whites. (P 8)

5.          What civilization does Governor Macay say they have brought to Kutula?
·                   Education
·                   Schools
·                   Hospitals
·                   Churches
·                   Employment (P 9)

6.          What reason does King Kutula XV give for supporting the uprising?
The natives do not want the settlers (colonizers) there any more (P 10)

7.          Who is princess Sagoi?
King Kutula’s foster daughter; Lacuna Kasoo’s half sister

8.          What does Sangoi hope to learn from Menninger?
She hopes to learn about;
·                   His God
·                   His creation
·                   His science
·                   His agriculture
·                   Politics (P 16)

9.          What is the name of King Kutula’s “legitimate” son?
Lacuna Kasoo (P 16)

10.      Which Roman emperors does Menninger allude to when talking about him?
Nero and Caligula
Caesar Augustus (P 16)

11.      When and where does the action in movement one take place?
Over 30 years later
Judah Zen Melo’s grass-thatched hut, sitting room, independent republic of Kutula (P 17)

12.      What shows that this is a poor homestead?
·                   Old grass-thatched hut
·                   Sitting room serves as the kitchen
·                   Old sacks serving as curtains
·                   Faded dress; old sandals
·                   Tamina is thin and old looking (P 17)

13.      How old is Tamina Zen Melo?
Tamina Zen Melo (wife to Judah Zen Melo and mother of Lulu Zen Melo) is 45 years old. (P 17)

14.      What is the relationship between Tamina and Romanus Bengo?
Bengo is her brother-in-law (Judah Zen Melo’s brother)

15.      What class is Lulu (Judah and Tamina’s 19 year old daughter) in presently?
Fourth form

16.      Why is there need for Tamina to conserve every drop of water?
It is a rare resource. They get it from far; at the foot of Bukelenge Mountains-about 15 kilometers away. They walk from sunrise to mid-day and return home at sunset.

17.     Why did Judah Zen Melo say a curse upon Romanus Bengo?
Romanus Bengo was an advocate of the poor against Kasoo’s government. Lacuna Kasoo asked Zen Melo to kill him and offers him goodies. Judah declined saying he could not betray his own blood. He was later beaten up and injured badly and fired from his government position. He cursed Bengo for disobeying him even after paying his school fees.

18.      What did Judah’s family lose after the dismissal?
·                   Cars
·                   Government house
·                   Tamina’s coffee farm in Bukelenge (sold it to Chipande; for peanuts)

19.     Why does Lulu return home at three o’clock when classes do not end until four p.m.?
She was sent for school fees, along with 300 other students.

20.      What are the requirements at school?
·                   Fees balance: 2000/-
·                   Construction fund: 3000/- (A second perimeter wall and a computer laboratory)
·                   Activity fee: 1000/-

21.      What is Tamina’s occupation?
Picking coffee at Chipande’s farm

22.      Where was Romanus Bengo for all those years?
In jail (P 27)

23.      What is Lulu’s aspiration/dream career?
She wants to be a doctor (like Dr. Jonathan, Rev Sangoi’s husband)

24.     How does Councillor Chipande oppress the locals?
·                   He grabbed all the land on the mountains. He bought Tamina’s land, for peanuts.
·                   Went to the Leader and blocked other people from accessing license to grow coffee.

25.      Where does Judah Zen Melo work?
He works in Patola town, at Kasoo mines as a machine operator; he previously worked as a gate keeper (P 34)

26.      Who is the manager at Kasoo mines?
Mithambo; Lacuna’s tribesman

27.      Who is Harold Bumblebee?
He is an Englishman; a company M.O. at the company and Lacuna’s personal doctor (P 36)

28.      How much does Judah Zen Melo give Tamina before he leaves for Chenko bar?
800 shillings

29.      Why was Hassan Hassanali fired?
Because he took a little time off to pray

30.      What ministry does Lacuna Kasoo appoint Rev. Sangoi to head?
New Ministry of Reclamation and Remedies (P 41)

31.      What festivities are they preparing for around the time of her appointment?
Commemoration for remembrance of King Kutula (P 41)

32.      Why was Lulu’s dance troupe selected to entertain guests?
They won the Lacuna National Festivals last year.

33.      Where do the actions in Movement 2 scene one take place?
Kutula’s people’s park

34.      What is the name of Lulu’s teacher?
Miss Gerima

35.      Name the people who walk with Lacuna on the train to the royal grave.
·                   First lady; Melissa (with a silver tray, silver crown, silver pitcher of water, calabash full of water)
·                   Councillor Chipande and Malipoa
·                   Daniel Goldstein
·                   Robert Rollerstone
·                   Junior councillors
·                   Reverend Sangoi leading 3 elders and an elderly woman

36.      Where does Movement 2 scene two take place?
The Leader’s palace (former Governor Macay’s residence)

37.      What shows affluence at this place?
·                   Large life-size painting of Lacuna Kasoo
·                    Smaller photographs of the painting
·                   Impressive gilted throne, deep purple cushions
·                   Golden gong
·                   Ornamental stand with a large golden bowl; full of apples  (P 58)

38.      Who is Robert Rollerstone’s uncle?
Bishop Menninger

39.      How did King Kutula meet his death?  
His son Lacuna Kasoo laced his tea with a poisonous/lethal powder. He was backed up by Menninger and his people. (P68-69)

40.      What is the initial sum of money advanced to Kutula by Planet-Wide Financiers?
30 billion shillings

41.      When did Kutula get this money?
15 years ago

42.      How was the initial ten billion spent?
In mining operations; the output declined by 15 %; there is no management Lacuna made political appointments of his lax tribesmen; the machines are rotten

43.      What did Lacuna buy for himself?
A plane

44.      What is the population of Kutula?
84 million people

45.      What happened to the remainder of the 30 billion shillings?
Lacuna took 30 % of the money and banked it abroad

46.      What is the total loan advanced to Kutula to date?
98 billion shillings

47.      In Lacuna’s subsidization plan, what services are offered for free?
·                   Transport network
·                   Education
·                   Health services
·                   Free grain
·                   Pesticides

48.      What conditions does Goldstein give Lacuna in exchange for bailing out?
·                   Low wages for workers in mines
·                   Quadruple production for exports (coffee & silver)
·                   Introduce new products
·                   Cut down on employment
·                   Long working hours

49.      How much in total does Lacuna owe the financiers?
122 billion shillings

50.      How many days does Robert give Lacuna to pay the interest of the monies advanced?
30 days

51.      To where does Lacuna plan to evacuate the residents of Bukelenge valley?
Samuka plains

52.      When does the evacuation begin?
In 2 weeks time (P 86, 87)

53.      What is the setting of Movement 2 scene 1?
Tamina Zen Melo’s hut; 3 weeks later

54.      When does Tamina expect Judah home?
Saturday; 2nd September (P 98)

55.      What news Sangoi deliver to Tamina about Judah Zen Melo?
News about Judah Zen Melo’s death (P 99-100)

56.     What is the cause of his death, according to Sangoi?
He was killed by an old, over loaded machine while struggling to quadruple production in line with the new directives

57.          Where does the action in Movement 3 scene two take place?
In the Leaders palace (P 104)

58.          What has Lacuna done for Lulu and Tamina in a bid to win them over?
He spends a lot of money on maids in a bid to make Lulu’s stay comfortable offers Tamina a lot of land (P 104-105) 

59.          After how long do Robert and Goldstein return to Lacuna’s palace?
30 days

60.          For how long has Lacuna ruled Kutula?
30 years (P 106)

61.          Identify the locations of the banks where Lacuna has banked part of the loan money.
Canada, Luxemburg, Swiss, Manhattan (P 111)

62.          What action does Lacuna take after his accounts are frozen?

  • He freezes salaries
  • Imposes 100 percent tax on all corporations (banks, parastatals, business) 
  • Imprisons Robert and Goldstein
  • Imposes curfew and strict martial law (P 113-114)

63.          What does Lacuna plan to do with Lulu?
He plans to marry her

64.          What is the setting of movement 4 scene one?
A room, in a lone house in a dense forest

65.          How many people are present here?
7 people; 3 men, 3 women and Bengo

66.      What are they discussing?
An operation to overthrow Lacuna Kasoo under the stewardship of Sangoi

67.      When does this operation start?
0615 hours

68.      Name the prisoners that Sangoi demand for after Lacuna is overthrown.

  • Chipande
  • Malipoa
  • Robert
  • Goldstein

69.      What is the fate of the two foreigners?
Sangoi instructs some people to escort them to the airport

70.      What happens to Lacuna and his henchmen at the end of the play?
He is seized together with Chipande and Malipoa and confined awaiting Common Law. Meanwhile, Sangoi talks of beginning reconstruction of the land, together.

Click here to read a comprehensive guide to Inheritance by David Mulwa 

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  1. wakati am a student at Sosiot girls in kericho and I like your notes and it has help me understand inheritance further ..... thanks so much ..... I hope you visit our school one day

  2. wakati am a student at Sosiot girls in kericho and I like your notes and it has help me understand inheritance further ..... thanks so much ..... I hope you visit our school one day

    1. Thanks for the feedback.

    2. Am Abigael at cheborgei girl's, am interested with your notes, indeed they are the best and I hope you come to our School one day. Thanks

    3. Thanks for the comment Abigael. I hope to visit Cheborgei Girls. All the best.

  3. i thought this was an essay platform but it helped anyways. You forgot to mention the examination fee of 2000 and also movement one takes place 30 years later and not 13 as you said. Good work all the same.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I have tackled essays on various articles on this blog.

  4. Your articles are spot on,Wekati.They really enhance the understanding of the set text.

  5. It would be nice if you visited Baringo and take us through essay writing on inheritance

    1. I would love to visit Baringo on such a mission. Thanks for the comment.

  6. I have understand inheritance long time suching about this I appreciate you for good work.Nile road student

  7. Thanks alot for the notes they are thumbs up

  8. what is the significance of comparing the natives with the zebra


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