Monday 9 September 2019



The pearl questions and answers
The Pearl study questions 



1.     What is the first song in Kino’s head?
 The Song of the Family

2.     Which type of house does Kino and his family live in?
Brushwood houses

3.     What is the name of Kino’s wife?

4.     What meal does Kino have for breakfast?
Corn-cake, sauce and pulque

5.     What animal stings Coyotito?

6.     Which song accompanies the moment before Coyotito is stung?
The Song of Evil

7.     State what Kino and Juana do after the baby is stung.
Juana sucks hard and spits and sucks again
Kino rubs the scorpion to a paste and beats it into the earth with his fist

8.     What is the name of Kino’s brother and that of his wife?
Juan Tomas and Apolonia

9.     Why does the doctor never come to the cluster of brush houses?
He prefers treating rich people; people who live in the brushwood houses are poor

10.   What description of Kino and Juana make the beggars know that they are poor people?
Juana’s old blue skirt, tears in her shawl, the age of Kino’s blanket and the thousand washings of his clothes

11.   How many beggars sit in front of the church?

12.   What is the race of the doctor?

13.   Why does the doctor refuse to treat Kino’s child?
Kino cannot afford the bill. He can only offer 8 small misshapen seed pearls, as ugly and grey as little ulcers, flattened and almost valueless.

14.  What does Kino do when the doctor refuses to treat his son?
He strikes the gate with his fist


1.    What does Kino do for a living?
He’s a fisherman and a pearl diver

2.    How did Kino acquire his canoe?
He got if from his father who got it from his grandfather

3.    Where did Kino’s grandfather bring his canoe from?

4.    What does Juana do as a remedy for Coyotito’s pain?
She gathers some brown seaweed, makes a flat dump poultice and applies it to his swollen shoulder

5.    What does Juana pray for?
She prays that they may find a pearl with which to hire the doctor to cure the baby

6.    What melody comes to Kino when he dives for the pearls?
The Song of The Pearl That Might Be

7.    How large is Kino’s pearl?
As large as a seagull’s egg

8.    What does Juana discover about Coyotito’s wound after Kino finds his pearl?
The swelling was going out of the baby’s shoulder


1.    As the news Kino’s pearl spread across the town, which people grow particularly interested?
The priest, the shopkeepers, the doctor, the beggars, the dealers

2.    What does Kino plan to do with his new found wealth?
Marry Juana in church, buy new clothes, buy a harpoon, buy a rifle (Winchester carbine), Education for Coyotito

3.    Who is the first visitor that comes to Kino’s hut when he finds the pearl?
The priest

4.    What does he tell Kino?
That he is named after a great father of the church and not to forget to give thanks for his newly found fortune

5.    Who is the second visitor that comes to Kino’s house?
The doctor

6.    What effects of the scorpion sting does the doctor mention?
A withered leg, a blind eye, a crumpled back

7.    How does the doctor poison Coyotito?
Gives him some white powder enclosed in a capsule of gelatine

8.    What meal does the doctor have for supper?
Chocolate, sweet cakes and fruit

9.    Which meal does Kino have for supper?
Beans, corn-cake, pulque

10.  How does the doctor treat Coyotito?
Using 3 drops of ammonia

11.   In which two places does Kino hide his pearl?
In a hole by the side post, in a hole under his sleeping mat

12.   When Juana asks “Who do you fear” how does he respond?

13.  How is Kino hurt when trying to fight the intruder?
He bruises his forehead

14.  What does Juana suggest that they do with the pearl after Kino is injured?
Throw it away, break it between stones, bury it and forget the place, throw it back to the sea

15.  What music comes to Kino’s ears that morning?
The lovely music of the undersea


1.    What is the name of Kino’s town?
La Paz

2.    How much money does the stout pearl dealer offer Kino?
A thousand pesos

3.    How much does Kino say his pearl is worth?
Fifty thousand pesos

4.    How much do the other dealers offer and what reasons do they give?
First dealer; does not make an offer at all-calls it a monstrosity

Second dealer; examines it under a glass, says better pearls are made of paste

Third dealer; offers five hundred pesos - says he can sell it to a client for six hundred

5.    What does the stout man behind the desk offer after Kino says that his pearl is not for sale there?
Fifteen hundred pesos

6.    What is next for Kino after he refuses to sell his pearl?
Plans to sell it at the capital

7.    What happens to Kino that night?
He is attacked and slashed; there’s a deep cut from his ear to his chin


1.    Why does Kino attack Juana?
She wants to throw away the pearl

2.    How does Juana react after the attack?
There is no anger in her for Kino

3.    What prompts their need to flee from the village?
Kino has killed a man

4.    Why couldn’t Kino escape via sea?
His canoe is destroyed

5.    What happens to Kino’s house?
The house is burnt by “the dark ones”

6.    Where does Kino go immediately after this incident?
To Juan Tomas’ house

7.    How is Juan Tomas helpful to Kino?

He went and talked to the neigbours to divert their suspicion

8.    How does Juan Tomas help Kino to prepare for his trip?
He helps to collect some supplies; a bag of beans, a gourd of rice, a cup of dried peppers, a block of salt, a knife and an axe

9.    Where does Kino plan to go?  


1.    What guides Kino as he treks north?
The stars

2.    How many trackers pursue Kino?
Three; two on foot, one on a horse with a rifle

3.    In a bid to shake off the trackers, where does Kino suggest that Juana goes? Does she agree?
North to Loreto or to Santa Rosalia ; No

4.    Where do they rest?
In a cave near a pool, on the grey stone mountains

5.    At the mountain, what is Kino’s plan to save his family?
He plans to kill the trackers

6.    Why does the tracker with the rifle shoot?
Coyotito cries, he thinks it’s a coyote

7.    What is the cause of Coyotito’s death?
He is shot dead by a tracker

8.    What prompts Kino’s return to La Paz?
Coyotito’s death

9.    What happens to the pearl eventually?
Kino throws it back to the sea

That's all for now 😊😊! 

 Now let’s take a look at some essay questions based on The Pearl, shall we?

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